Sustainability and conservation in action at Ara Roa
Sustainability is a huge part of our life at Ara Roa. We have a strong commitment to improving our environmental performance across all aspects of our business practice.
Our sustainability efforts are ongoing and are constantly improving.
Our commitment:
- To think before we use. Efficient use of energy, water, fuels, office products and other resources. We always ensure to minimise and reduce our impact on the environment.
- Minimise our footprint through building design, colour choices and tree plantings.
- Think before we discard. Recycling and composting all food scraps and other biodegradable matter can help reduce air, land and waterway pollution.
- Only use biodegradable and eco-friendly cleaning and bathroom products.
- Protect native species and natural habitats – enhance/preserve with ongoing planting, pest and weed control programmes.
- Take part in community initiatives working to protect the environment.
- Educate our associates and guests. Tell them what we are doing. Inform them how they can actively participate in helping our environmental sustainability.
- To actively monitor our progress in reducing energy use, waste and water consumption.
- Be committed to bringing constant environmental awareness into everything we do.